Our Services


Funding types

Depending on your personal circumstances, there are a number of funding options available to pay for your in-home care.


Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)

CHSP funding is provided for low-intensity and episodic in-home care services. We will use your CHSP funding to provide tailored services designed to meet your needs.


Home Care Package (HCP)

If you have been assigned a Home Care Package we will work with you to design and deliver personalised and customised in-home care services.


Flexible Respite

Use allcare for all your short term respite needs. We provide enjoyable, innovative and inclusive respite services for you and your loved ones to enjoy.


Private Clients
(Fee for Service)

If you have not yet received Government support, or are ineligible for assistance, we are able to provide you with low-cost care to help you remain independent in your own home.


 “Thank you for all your help. Your reliable staff went the extra distance to help with Mum's independence.”

Matthew (allcare client carer)

Examples of Services

The following are some ideas for ways we can help you; however we encourage you to call us on 1300 377 074 to discuss your individual needs and services you are interested in:

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Around the Home

We can help you with all your domestic chores, including; household cleaning, gardening, window cleaning, cleaning out the gutters, meal preparation, and helping you care for your pets.

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Out and About

We want to help you get out and about; we can help you get to and from medical appointments, family visits, shopping, or general errands.

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Personal Support

Taking care of your wellbeing is our number one priority. We get to know you, will listen to you and offer a personalised service that ensures complete physical, emotional and financial wellbeing.


Meal Preparation

As people age, they often find it difficult to maintain a balanced diet. Our taste buds diminish and we may lose interest in food or lack the energy to cook for ourselves. Our staff can help you with meals and eating, ensuring you have a healthy, nutritious, well-balanced diet.


Having Fun, Being Social

We want to help you enjoy your life; we can provide you with the tools and support to get you to social outings, or you can join our group entertainment, outings, and learning activities. We can also help you with your correspondence, or even help you learn how to engage with family and friends on the internet.


In-Home Respite

We provide in-home respite care that gives you a break from caregiving. A well-planned respite program provides you regular, scheduled breaks from your role as caregiver to rest, recover and recharge.


Safety, Security and Maintenance

Feeling secure in your home is something we can help you with too; we can help you with locks, smoke alarms, and security maintenance.


Health and Medical

We can help you manage all your health and medical needs. This includes providing nursing and allied care services, and medication monitoring.


Use our calculator to see the extra hours of care you can receive when you join allcare or download our price guide to compare us with other typical home care providers.